Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do You Have Too Many Servers?

Too many servers you have?
companies realize that they have too many servers or upgrade to the latest They probably need a version of SQL Server. They know they are spending too much money on maintenance and equipment. Of course, they are unhappy false idea of our costs are enormous. beechtek called three companies have been extensive research and tovar orlantek reference to this problem. Results of the study, and study how to be greatly facilitate your company is truly amazing. The following information has nothing to do with free software upgrades, or other waste old cluster. The whole point is one server set up to the 100 instead of the data to significantly increase security, reduce overall costs and increase performance to generate 30-40 percent of your company Help? You bet! I have tried to convey what is happening in high-tech community, who is at fault and who are positive and trying to change what it can do. I can easily talk to the functions and features the following new technology. The rest is up to you.

what large companies and do not want to hear the psychology
the also entered the long, and we were my friends! Unfortunately, Japan and other countries to develop a new technology around the world who have heard about it or even years at least six months before the U.S. general also learn about digital IT. Japan is still holding since the position as a world leader in technology, our business can achieve the benefits to research and do more, but finding what is out there, or from sales IBM, Dell, HP or other companies. , Think of the story. When is, what& 39;s the last time the company is open to us and ask that if the new ideas, not your problem, something to sell or even whether However, the problem is, sales Instead of providing a pitch? Certainly, I am always open to new ideas, I may like to be on the cutting edge of technology and my company is ahead of my competition. But, as always getting the sales pitch! To be honest I want people to look at sales and honestly state my problem if you can help me or my They are just trying to sell their products. IBM& 39;s view of imagination, " sorry but we think HP has a better server to meet your needs. " But of course it will not happen. So, what can you do? The only thing you can do the research. It& 39;s unfortunate that

it. Many new information technology suppliers to hide - and I heard the promise of this technology. We know that their salaries almost always new companies from selling equipment and services to the company when the server is down. It is clear that there is little obvious intent to sell 99.99% up to the better server, or 99.999 percent of servers sold in one hour or more can take up to 100 servers. They will think of going out of business. The truth is, it is a good moral and ethical to sell the real solution is far less money in the short term and build relationships of trust with respect to ask, they will always be around Word for help and to obtain information about the quality and ethical standards. In short, you are looking to their interests. I have a friend who was expensive.

how consolidate and do not save money?
so, the
said the server what the other servers to replace the 100? We found that many companies have a special server based on Intel Itanium technology is what this article is about. Our high-quality server express5800/1000 developed a series called, but based on the latest Intel Itanium2 dual-core technology. Before we go on thinking I know is, " However, the cost must be huge, after all, one server we can replace one-hundred servers? " surprisingly found out we are not in all cases. This type of server, the other 64 out, express5800/1000 the series, NEC SIGMAGRID and 64-bit computing, as well as secure the maximum speed is (to hold the world speed record) The highest quality as well as the best available features and by far the highest-Bains in the back. But the most important advantage is not how to increase production significantly to your company how much money is saved.

now all costs of the server, is how much? What is electricity prices? All licenses to make sure the OS, application, maintenance, upgrades and downtime cost is, of course (most companies are still using the old cluster and other solutions - the more I read an article The server is approximately 90 hours to guarantee 9.999%) Many companies are stuck until the cost per hour or $ 8,000 dollars to 6.5 meters, depending on the tourism industry.

yes, he saw it will really add to the server up, however, can really & quot; Search & quot;, your business. The wave of 64 BITTOAKITEKUCHABESU solution to enter the market place. More and more companies are to move inquiring about the benefits of the 64-bit system. However, there are obvious advantages to be seen how it is important to understand the difference between the 32-bit and 64-bit environment, what kind of hardware the ability to get the best performance index, 64-bit Offered by the branch. The Company has established itself as a leader is how we found, 64 BITTOHADOUEASORYUSHON of the universe as well as from around the longest space te, as well as SIGMAGRID to introduce the world& 39;s top cluster of non-TPC -- H results of the 2003 server, Windows SQL Server 2000 (64 bit).

we attempt to explain the implementation of the 64-bit computing, which applications to benefit from BITTOSORYUSHON 64, and the main differences and advantages of migration to 32-bit to 64-bit architecture. However, 64-bit performance advantage is that many experienced high-end workstation and server applications such as high-traffic e-commerce sites, computer-aided engineering, science and technology and high-performance computing, in particular in this article The benefits of, Microsoft & 39;s SQL Server 2000 (64 bit). We will discuss how to utilize the 64-bit architecture to get large-scale database management system performance records, data mining and integrated server solutions. HAIPAFOMANSUSABA extreme of the top candidates, 64-bit platform. Special, large-scale database management system such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (64 bit) 64-bit environment, large memory pool address and a new capacity to take advantage of optimized Intel Itanium2 processor. Any application for high-speed processor utilization, significantly bus I / O speed, large amounts of data stored in cache memory, parallel processing and high-hundreds, thousands of people directly benefited from the increase Performance by the 64-bit architecture to migrate to the solution. For example, the existing 32-bit applications based on the transition after their 64-bit hardware and software architecture, one near-term performance appears more complex workload when large amounts of data.
move to
organizations 64 2-based platforms can not. Currently only address performance issues, as well as familiarity with the architecture can be scalable to keep up with demand in the near future interim.


microsoft advantage of SQL Server 2000 (64 bit) to remove any remaining barriers left to SUKERINGURAIN business applications. To access the application very large multi-terabyte database, DETAUEAHAUSUAPURIKESHON, BIJINESUINTERIJENSUAPURIKESHON, the decision support system, the application of science and technology and financial modeling, complex RISOSUPURANNINGUSHISUTEMU and e-business applications (for example, , PeopleSoft, SAP is the reservation and Baan), online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, data mining and other database applications detectives, the figure now is the ability to achieve the scalability to expand when the , 64-bit hardware. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (64 bit) to support up to 64 CPU and 512 GB of RAM is required. Database performance from the perspective of 64 BITTOKONPYUTINGUAKITEKUCHA the power of supercomputers such as database applications. Extending bar line to achieve business applications and data warehousing have been raised by the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (64 bit) to unimaginable levels, the 32-bit versions. express5800/1000 SHIGUMAGURIDDOSABA series, the NEC, the customers can not only benefit from such a record-breaking performance, but can also enjoy a reduction in total cost of ownership.

database server consolidation and the benefits of the concept

the database server consolidation and collaboration of all - a different dimension with the arrival of the age of 64-bit computing. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (64 bit) to support a maximum of 16 instances of a single database service of the machine. Before the 64-bit enterprise customers are really able to take advantage of this feature-specific restrictions for the 32-bit Windows operating system. These restrictions are threatened, and 64-bit implementation. For example, in the 64-bit, necexpress five thousand eight hundred thousandths series from eight customers can deploy up to 32 CPU CPU all the way. This allows customers to implement the first time the true integration of the database server without having to worry about as the horsepower to run their business to grow.

the difference between the 32-bit and 64-bit computing

a 64-bit operating system support for a virtual memory much more than the 32-bit operating system. For example, 32-bit Windows Server 2003 virtual support for 4 GB of memory, and supports 64-bit Windows virtual memory and 16 TB. Non-PEJIPURUMEMORI (system memory space must be reserved for the object of physical memory as long as they remain active) increased significantly, up to 128 gigabytes, compared with 64-bit platforms more than 256 MB limit is 32-bit platform. And these new restrictions are high, scalability, and a 64-bit platforms offer in terms of the huge TAMINARUSABAKURAIANTO the page pool, network connections, and so on. , 64-bit speed is increased further as anything other than most people understand that the new dual-core Intel , Hyper-Threading This is, of course, increase speed, trying to size Display the following. Let Me said, is the fastest server as a snail crawling on the sidewalk, CPU is the Intel 64 SIGMAGRID BITTODYUARUKOAPUROSESSA, hyper fighter hit the equivalent speed of Mach 1.

note: I& 39;m here is very conservative.

last words

folks, this time we finished the research data, we know NEC is a great product, but I only want to own a company& 39;s stock because I sincerely believe this to the server I have the qualities to dominate the market for servers in the field. This technology is we could not believe the crocodile was released, the public and the honest truth, we have no idea about the changes to the business. Is, NEC& 39;s server about 10 times the throughput of 32-bit system, more than twice the performance 32-bit system. It is being read as self-healing features and management system, then 20 to 30 percent faster, IBM, and HP RISC servers. We have found that 30 percent faster then the other competitors in the server about 1 / 3 the price! That& 39;s 90 percent run database applications, including Microsoft SQL Server, IBM& 39;s DB2 and Oracle. NEC& 39;s 64 planes are to take the most powerful, space-efficient, cost-effective 64 BITTOKONPYUTINGUSORYUSHON available. From the crossbar-based supercomputer mirrored memory technology, NEC, almost all of the idea. These particular server, as compared to other research, we are much the best deal. Here, 100 for each server, one of our Express5800/100 series must be replaced by SHIGUMAGURIDDO

1 very supportive. Significantly reduce the cost of buying from multiple machines

2. These save more than one operating system license to use all the

the ability to run multiple applications
4. Maintenance is only one machine!

5. If your system is up 99.99% over time (cluster rate of 99.9%), and, NEC disaster recovery - loss of data! n lbrn lbr6. Just slash the electricity bill for just one server and data center cooling! n lbrn lbr7. The client and staff the data faster than ever before!

8. A 35-45 win over increase in production capacity. Just remember, these incredible speed, but to get into the data from the server technology is extremely high.

9. Very easy to manage, NEC& 39;s product quality, cutting-edge.

the the most important thing is to know that I want to confirm that yes, the price is very affordable! The main point is that our customers are many options to its data centers, and corporate offices. Specific solutions that work for all people but all the data to the server computing, there is a need, SQL server or servers to be proud of Microsoft (and they are, NEC express5800/1000 to SHIRIZUSHIGUMAGURIDDO Using the data center), I recommended a server, NEC SHIGUMAGURIDDOHATOBITO, they are incredibly fast and very reliable (99.99% - more than a cluster)! This will really desired. If you have any questions please feel free to contact! n lbrn lbrwes tafoya
http: / / www.beechtek.com

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Monday, April 28, 2008

I Know What You Did Last Session: Basic Applied Cryptography

While Janet was sitting in a cyber cafe to send e-mails to friends and surf the Web, there is a person sitting three tables away reading each email sent before I came to the mail server. During this period of time, the thief was able to gain access to your bank account passwords for Web sites of several companies, and their credit card number. Now imagine that you were sitting in the cafeteria. This scenario is not far from reality and is the main reason that the use of cryptography is so important in today& 39;s technological world. Identity theft is a growing problem and there are ways you can help protect yourself frombecoming the victim.

Most people think that cryptography is an island in the magical land of make believe. However, cryptography is very real and not as complex as most cree. If you use the Internet, is likely to use cryptography applied in their day to day duties. This can be accessed bank account to recover their monthly balance for the purchase of spare parts for cars from a store or manufacturer. Companies use cryptography to ensure that sensitive data is kept confidential between the parties and the data remains intact. Cryptography is the art of converting messages into a secret code or cipher. This process alters a text message using an algorithm to create a ciphertext / encryption message.

History of Ciphers
cryptography has been in use for thousands of years. In fact, it was in use before 2000 B.C. Egypt in the form of hieroglyphics. The Greeks even uses encryption called Scytale the cipher and was worn as a belt of messengers. The Scytale was designed a combination of a long strip of paper with writing and in a certain size. This strip of leather that wrapped around the staff to decipher the encrypted text. Julius Caesar also uses a cryptographic algorithm called ROT-3. This coding shifts the alphabet three spaces to the right and was very effective in time.

Applied Cryptography
Ok, but how does it affect you? The basic applications of cryptography are to provide confidential (secret data), integrity (protection of intentional or unintentional alteration), and authentication (you demonstrate that you say you are). Some ways to allow even Nonrepudiation services to prove that the message was written, sent or received. Let& 39;s review briefly the most commonly used encryption systems that you can use every day, leaving the trivial details out.

You hear the words and X.509 digital certificates (used in digital signatures) throughout this document. Digital certificates are used in the same way a real signature is used as a verification of approval. The most well-known companies that sell these certificates are as follows:

Verisign - http://www.verisign.com/
thwarted - http://www.thawte.com/
(offered free email electronic personal digital certificates)

Internet traffic (Collection of Web site traffic and e-mail)
HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secured Socket Layer. Do not mistake HTTPS SSL. It is a misnomer that is spread by those who do not understand SSL. HTTPS uses SSL to create an encrypted tunnel between a client and a server. This lasts throughout the tunnel connecting the site and is most common safety feature on the Internet. This form of encryption is established using a server X.509 certificate that digitally signs the message.

S / mime: Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange. S / Mime uses two X.509 certificates (also called digital signature) and the two signs and encrypt e-mail. The author digitally signs the e-mail with your private key. Once this happens, the message will be encrypted with the recipient& 39;s public key and sent. When the message reaches the recipient of the message is decrypted with the recipient& 39;s private key, then checked the author using the public key. This ensures that people who use a packet sniffer (a program that allows a person to see the traffic crossing the network) does not see your account information. Customers e-mail, like Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Outlook may use S / Mime with little configuration required.

S-HTTP: HTTP Secured. The benefit of S-HTTP over HTTPS is the fact that each message is encrypted instead of using a tunnel that is vulnerable to a man in the middle and a session hijack attack. Another advantage of S-HTTP is that it allows a client / server encryption authentication

Tunneling (Ensure network traffic)
IPSec: IP security protocol is the most commonly used network encryption for the business world. When most people in the computer industry think about virtual private networks (VPNs) s, which immediately think of IPSec. Companies that need to use IPSec an encrypted tunnel that allows all network traffic to flow through. Unlike SSL, IPSec is not limited to a port. Once the IPSec tunnel has been established, the system should have equal access to the network that would have on the physical location. This offers much more power, but also requires much more general. Another issue is security. The more open the network, is the most vulnerable. This is another reason why VPNs are usually on the outside of a firewall. Vulnerabilities to include IPSec session hijacking, and play attacks.

SSH: Secure Shell provides a terminal as a tunnel that protects data crossing the network and should replace clear text protocols such as Telnet and FTP. This allows you to connect to a server over the Internet securely online and manage remote systems without allowing the rest of the world to see everything they are doing. One of the most popular SSH clients windows is Putty.

SSL: Secure Socket Layer can be used to create a single port / connector virtual private network (VPN) through a server X.509 certificate. The most common use of SSL is the website traffic HTTP or HTTPS. SSL is vulnerable to man in the middle of attack. Anyone can create a CA to distribute certificates, but note that a digital certificate is as reliable as the CA that controls the certificate.

WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy. This algorithm uses either a 40-bit or 128 bit key (24 bits used for the initialization vector) key. Most of the devices also allow a wireless access point to filter MAC addresses to increase access controls on the device. WEP is vulnerable and has been exploited by criminal hackers (crackers), while wardriving since WEP has beaten the market. Some of the most popular tools used for wardriving are: Airopeek - a packet sniffer Airsnort WiFi - a WEP encryption key recovery tool Kismet - 802.11 layer2 a wireless network detector Netstumbler - 802.11 layer2 a wireless network detector

WPA: Wi - Fi Protected Access is a new rule that exceed the old WEP technology in the near future. WPA uses a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) for networks Soho, and extensible authentication protocol for other wired / wireless networks for authentication. Some cryptoanalysts claimPSK is a weakness due to the fact that a cracker can access the key and the key brute force until it is known. The encryption system used is Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP ensures more privacy and data integrity through a temporary key instead ofthe traditional static key. Most people welcome this technology during the less secure access WEP.

File (Ensure individual files)
stenography: stenography is the art of hiding messages or files to other media such as a file. JPG image O. MPG video. You can add these data in bits without using file which can be seen using a hex editor. Stenography is the easiest way to hide a message, but is by far the least reliable. Security darkness is like a padlock on the door of a car. It is only intended to keep people honest honest.

PGP: Pretty Good Privacy is a free program that was created by Philip Zimmermann in 1991 and was the first widely accepted system of public key. PGP is a suite of encryption tools used to encrypt the data and various types of traffic. PGP can be used for S / Mime and digital signature of a message. PGP uses a ring of confidence which enables the community to trust a certificate rather than a hierarchy of Certification Authority (CA) to verifythe user identification. More information can be found at http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html

Personal/Freeware: This can be downloaded from MIT for free.
CAST 128-bit encryption
SHA-1 hash function

Commercial: PGP Software Developer Kit (SDK) 3.0.3 has received Federal information processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 level 1 validation National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
RSA key exchange ideas

encryption MD5 hashing

CryptoAPI function: cryptography Microsoft component that enables developers to encrypt data. Microsoft has also developed an ActiveX control called CAPICOM even allow access to the script of CryptoAPI.

Each encryption model is vulnerable to an attack or another. Below is a list of attack techniques that are used by cryptoanalysts to break the keys used to protect the messages

Ciphertext-Only: This is the easiest start, but more difficult to succeed. The attacker recover the text data encryption through listening to network traffic. Once the key has been saved, the cracker can attempt to brute force the message until it resembles something legible.

Known-Plain Text: This is the assumption that the cracker having both the text and the associated text Encryption of one or more messages. In WWII, the Japanese relied on cryptography, but had a weakness formal messaging. These messages were able to break because the ciphertext began and ended with the same message. Part of the text was known and cryptoanalysts were able to decipher the message using the familiar text-Text method.

Chosen Plan: Like the know-text attack, but the attacker can choose to encrypt the text. An attacker can assume the identity of another person and send a message to the objective needs to be encrypted. Since the text is chosen target and sends the encrypted message, the text is elected attack successful.

Chosen-ciphertext: The cryptoanalyst is chosen by the ciphertext and has access to decipher the plaintext.

Birthday paradox: This attack is successful when a hash value of a text coincides with the hash value of a text completely different. This anomaly is proved mathematically among 23 people, there are 23 * 22 / 2 = 253 pairs, each of which is a possible candidate for match.

Brute-Force: This form of attack is applied to go through every possible solution or combination until the answer lies. This is the most resource and time intensive method attack

Dictionary: The attacker compares the hash values with objective values hash of commonly used passwords. Dictionary files can be downloaded from the Internet hundreds of sites.

Man-in-the-Middle: The attacker intercepts messages between two parties without a goal, either knowing that the link between them has been compromised. This allows the attacker to modify the message will.

Replay: Replay attacks are simply a repetition of the data captured in an attempt to deceive the target that allows the unauthorized access.

Back in the cyber cafe, if Janet connected to a server Web secured by SSL to do their banking online and used S / mime to send private email, the cyber thief who have never had a chance to see his unmentionables.

About the author: Jeremy Martin CISSP, ISSMP, ISSAP, CIS , CEH, CCNA, Network +, A + Sr. Information System Security Consultant Pluss Corporation - http://www.pluss.net information security - http://www.infosecwriter.com (requires Flash)
(800) 835-9609 / (406) 892-8600

Member From
Becca - Business espionage controls and countermeasures Association
ISAC Information System Audit and Control Association
(ISC) - international information systems security certification Consortium
ISSA - Information System Security Association
OISSG - Open information systems security Group
yen NTE - Network executives youth

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

How To Find The Best Deals Online

On the Internet, you can find almost anything you want to buy, but how do you get the best deal possible for you? This article will show you how.

Price Comparison search engines are

There dozens of search engines that allow you to compare prices at hundreds, even thousands of online stores without having to go to each site separately, you can take a lot of time to do it on their own . Some of the best generals are PriceGrabber.com, Shopzilla.com, Nextag.com and MySimon.com. All these sites allow you to type in what you& 39;re looking for and let you zero in the shop which has its desired item for the lowest possible price. These search engines should be one of his first stops when it comes to shopping.

Specialty price comparison search engines

For different categories of purchases, there are specialty price comparison for search engines. The case of books, consulting AddAll.com. For computers and technology items, try pricewatch.com, techbargains.com and shopper.cnet.com. For DVD & 39; s try dvdpricesearch.com.

Coupon Codes

There are many sites that list coupon codes for all major online stores. Whether in department stores, chain stores and smaller specialty shops, there are often coupon codes available to them. The code could allow you to take a certain percentage off the price, you free shipping, a gift, buy a get a free one topic or any other treatment. Always worth a look around codes for coupons before making your purchase. Some sites that large list of codes of coupons for online stores include eCoupons.com, CurrentCodes.com and CouponMountain.com, among many others.

Deal and negotiating forums

As a bargain hunter and deal finder, which is certainly we are not alone in the network. There are many forums where people gather and share information and seek alerts since coupon codes and discuss online offerings. Some of the most popular are: FatWallet.com, and SlickDeals.net CheapStingyBargains.com.

Outlets & Reformed

Just topics as the real world where large stores of its brand oversupply, liquidation and refurbished items output shops, many companies have a web page or area of its website that offers these items for sale on the Internet. Great deals can be here. Apple, for example, sells refurbished iPods in its removal from storage at Apple.com for a fraction of the cost of their new iPods.

Big stores

Many of the largest web stores offer great specials and sales areas. Do not skip sites like Amazon.com and Buy.com, they often have very good offers and the prices of their items because of the sheer volume they sell. At Amazon, if you find something you want to have been exhausted or too expensive for you, may have the same item available in other shops or even less used and to show this subject on page!


There are thousands of online auction sites, ranging from small auction sites that specialize in certain areas for the granddaddy of them all, eBay. On eBay, you can write on the topic you are looking for and finds both new and used running auctions for many items. It is always a good idea to check eBay when trying to purchase, you get an idea of what the item is to present and whether you& 39;re getting a good deal elsewhere on the web.

Extra Councils

Don & 39; t forget to check revisions to its point before buying. You can check Amazon.com, Epinions.com, and ConsumerReports.org Cnet.com for comments from a wide range of topics. On the other hand, do not forget to factor in shipping costs in its attempt to hunt. Always check on shipping costs before making a purchase, otherwise you could end up paying a fortune. Some shops web bring with you at great prices and deals, but will make for you through the recovery of an exhorbitant amount for shipping.

In short, armed with these tips you should be able to leave on the Web with confidence and find the best deal on that item or special gift that you& 39;ve been looking for.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tablet Pc: The Tiny Device that Squeeze in Notebook Hardware

The challenge on the road to shrink Notebook equipment and improvements in methods of integrated Digitisers entry & 39; culminated in & 39; invention of the Tablet PC. L & 39; touch screen or digitizing tablet technology of & 39; device allows the user & 39; l & 39; use of & 39; computer with a digital pen or pencil or d & 39; a finger, instead of & 39; a keyboard or a mouse.
Typically, scanner is integrated with & 39; touch screen and is correlated physical or digital pen on the interaction & 39; l & 39; screen with the result that & 39; virtual information is presented. A Tablet PC-& 39; scanner is a pointing device complete, it does not act & 39; d & 39; on a pointing device like a mouse or a touch pad. Tablet PC-old has little or no persistent memory.
With a Tablet PC, & 39; user can enter text with & 39; handwriting recognition features. It is the & 39; screen (virtual), keyboard, voice recognition, keyboard or default & 39; for the user when entering text. L & 39; ink object serves as a means of data entry and storage can be used in devices Windows XP Tablet PC Edition or Windows Vista. This type of data was for the first time as part of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.
Ink object can therefore manipulate and process data handwritten, including recognition and results in some cases, pressure for information each part of the & 39; stroke. In this way, you get the & 39; leverage to change the properties in a large same way as other properties d & 39; objects. At the same time, data can be stored, so that future reference.
Computerised manipulation, & 39; organization, and read large quantities of information are printed & 39; the most popular use d & 39; Tablet PC. Above all, each Casual reader can download electronic versions of their books read the most popular and on their Tablet PC. Students can also bulky by scanning books on the pages of textbooks and their Tablet PC class.

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