Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cisco CCNP Certification Training Tutorial: Priority Queuing For The ONT Exam

You can t earn your CCNP certification without passing the Cisco ONT exam, and queuing is a huge topic on that exam! Priority queuing, LLQ, weighted fair queuing you ll see them all and more on your ONT exam. Today, we ll take a close look at priority queuing theory.
Priority queuing is unique in that it has four pre-configured queues, and while we have some control over those queues, we can t add more of them. Here are the four queues and their default capacity. Each capacity shown here can be changed, but as with all Cisco routing defaults, you should have a very good reason to do so!
High Priority queue, 20-packet capacity.
Medium Priority queue, 40-packet capacity.
Normal Priority queue, 60-packet capacity. (This is the default queue for all traffic when PQ is in use.)
Low queue, 80-packet capacity.
It s up to the network administrator to configure what types of traffic will be placed into each queue, and the key to success with PQ is not defining too many traffic types as high priority. It s vital to remember that PQ is *not* fair, and does *not* work in a round-robin fashion. When packets arrive in the High queue, PQ drops everything it s doing in order to transmit those packets, and packets in other queues are ignored until the High queue is again empty.
If you have too many packet types being placed into the High queue, and even the Medium queue, traffic in the lower-priority Normal and Low queues ends up just sitting there. That s called queue starvation or packet starvation, but whatever you call it, it s a danger with priority queuing a danger you must avoid!
That s priority queuing theory; now we need to work on some configurations, and we ll do just that in the next installment of this CCNP certification training series!
Chris Bryant, CCIE 12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage, home of free Cisco CCNP Training and CCNA Exam Training tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.
You can also visit his blog, which is updated several times daily with new Cisco certification articles, free tutorials, and daily CCNA / CCNP exam questions!
Visit his blog and sign up for Certification Central, a daily newsletter packed with CCNA, Network+, A+, and CCNP certification exam practice questions. A free 7-part course, How To Pass The CCNA , is also available.
Earn your Microsoft Server 2008 certification with The Bryant Advantage!

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Future Internet 3: People Are Leaving The Rat Race And Its Ignorant Ways Behind

This article, along with d & 39; image can be consulted
The strange thing, in this magical place of the meeting means the Web. People from all over the world are equipped with the technology for Internet connection d & 39; others who want to leave many aspects of modern social paradigms behind. The small communities and movements are in training & 39;-articulated to new ideas, as people want to live in the world. Concepts such as the welfare & quot;, in contrast to use that economic purposes for the life between all the heads of the world. The people express their philosophy on the net income and the results are very inspiring. Many note that & 39, they are not the only ones who want to change the world for the better.
Have you heard, ecovillages These are places where people of a spirit & 39; decide together permanently, so little effect d & 39, or & 39; ecological footprint on & 39 ; Environment that surrounds them. It is also this modern technology helps us to return to a time when people lived in one with the earth, while the village, which is life, is a classic, the human relations between the families. These villages may be from anywhere in the world of culture and nationality & 39; n is not relevant. It & 39; nd & 39; a process of understanding of & 39; mind to decide d & 39; cooperation with other kind of life their own principles. Can l & 39; Internet itself has the means to & 39, information and communication, to these souls their search for a new way d & 39;?
Another new movement that I am come in Slow Food is: and its slow cities. This group of people started as a rapid response to the & 39; food industry, which in their opinion, & 39; against & 39; what food should look like d & amp; 39; that their impact on the environment & 39;. Now the whole cities are calling itself & quot; & quot slowly, and to change their practices, food production, to the wild and farmed population & 39 d & 39 , Animals and plants are treated with dignity and sustainability of biodiversity in & 39; spirit of future generations to keep healthy. There are currently more than 80000 members in over 100 countries who believe that the consumer should not mix, the taste is important, and the maintenance of rare plants and aromas in life is necessary, hold the real spice of " Life ". I do not think we lose the use & 39, a meal in taste is different from others, where we sat for hours to enjoy our friends, and we know that the whole process & 39; eat no scars of the world.
As I am currently based in Australia, j & 39, was a series of & 39; other concepts, which I am sure that in your country so. Downshifting Down Under is a page devoted to downshifting, or the conscious decision to work less, pay less, consume less and have much more time for the things in life are important How time with those you love. We have & 39; that so much time on our planet, and I would be very unhappy on my deathbed, to bear in mind that I & 39; past, almost all my existence magic l & amp; 39; people work to collect money & 39;, & 39; accumulation of goods and d & 39; damage the earth never know, my family and community. They may not get to enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us, to offer, or a greater feeling of relaxation would be a great shame. This group believes that 20% of all Australians have decided back to the motto that " consumption & 39; n is not the only way to happiness. & quot;
This idea, with another site, j & 39;& 39;ve read about in a magazine Australian Conservation Foundation It & 39; nd & 39, a manifesto that the issues at the heart of the political system in Australia. It shows that Australians are three times as rich that their parents and grandparents in the years 1950 and yet we are not happy. This small group is & 39; believe that a change & 39 d & 39; orientation in a purely on the profits into a mentality that the social values and the welfare of Stakeholders is the key d & 39, and a better future. & 39, I read about the country Bhutan, the measure of GDP instead of GDH, the good fortune of GDP instead of gross domestic product. Could we also need & 39, a modification of materialism to a d & 39, a simple matter emotionally?
As this article has been heavily influenced by the words of & 39; ACF, I think I must also mention the website of and the section that you & quot ; called Green Home. C & 39, is an impressive eyes open for the average of other people like myself would like to make a difference in the way we in our lives. It offers sections such as gardens, shops, transport, waste, water, energy, and packaging & 39, that will show how a small change in these areas in your life can have enormous d & 39; positive impact on the environment & 39, so that your wallet! J & 39; had to take into account this fact, as I do, know-how for every dollar, the consumer in this capitalist world we live
Did you know that the maintenance of your car engine while you would reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 5-15%? You can also 100 kg (220 pounds) for each year of pollution by keeping your tires the maximum recommended pressure. You can & 39; ll & 39; evaporation of water in your garden (44% of households with & 39; litres of water used in the garden) by 70%, if They mulch (leaves, cabbage, Etc. ..) The fact that your equipment such as televisions and computer to & 39; feed, 11% of the total living area & 39 d & amp , 39; Australian electricity. What a waste! There is a lot more facts on their side to help you explain how & 39; have less harmful to the world while you are about to be reviewed.
As you can see, it is a revolution under way to us that we are talking about. It & 39; nd & 39, a quiet revolution of the collective consciousness of our species. The new technologies that we have now more about (or re-discover the old wisdom) about our interaction with the world. Instead of the rat race at the cheese, we can turtles, which the windscreen.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Secure, Automated, Easy-to-use

Titan Backup is an easy to use and complete solution for home and small offices, designed to ensure backups of your important data. He can make automatic backups of your important files and documents, virtually any type of media, including storage CD / DVD-RW, removable devices, network drives and remote FTP servers.
The main features of the software backup Titan: Easy to use wizard-driven interface and simple to navigate between the Backup Tasks; Since many free plug-ins installed by default, Titan Backup software makes it easy to back up emails and rules for Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Firefox, Opera, Thunderbird, Eudora settings of Windows, system registry and more ... ; Sync Tasks - allow you to synchronize folders from various media (eg sync with your MP3 USB stick with your computer or his laptop documents with your office desktop computer).
Titan Backup offers predefined filters searching on your computer to look for specific types of files. You can choose the music file backup of all your documents or hard-drives, without selecting each folder individually. The program will search all units fixed for you. You can also select your own masks.
Titan Backup creates self-extracting backups and archives Zip standard; Version control, incremental and differential backups, 256-bit AES strong encryption; Before / After commands; Backup to virtually any storage device ( including LAN, CD / DVD, removable devices, remote FTP servers, etc.) You have the ability to erase CD / DVD directly from the program or before the backup process, and you can choose the CD / DVD speed; Backup Windows Registry ; Built-in easy - to-use Task Scheduler, the tasks can be scheduled to run per hour and you also have the option to reorder them; Email notifications on the task of backup; detailed logs of all backup operations .
Titan Backup - The Ultimate Solution Backup - Secure, Automated, Easy to use. Titan Backup is also compatible with Windows Vista.

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