Saturday, March 29, 2008

The New Ways of Custom Publishing

There are many ways that businesses can create texts, documents and entire novels by publishing in-house. Custom publishing is the way for heavy content driven businesses to repurpose content and reuse it or sell it to make a profit. The trick is content management of different styles of content.
Large content laden organizations are finding new content management solutions. One of the solutions is to use a framework within the organization, an online XML content server that is able to read all types of content without the need to create or adhere to a DTD or XML Schema. There are products now that can take a company s entire content base and make them and their code searchable. Not only resulting in lists of files, but actual pieces of content, visible graphs and charts, music and other media files. Repurposing Content forcustom publishing.
Publishers of large text books and encyclopedia makers can sort through their mass amount of content, move all of their previous paper-content online, and create small texts or specific texts specifically written for a particular school or a single professor.
A medical information publisher can now send specific online physician reference portals precisely focused to a certain medical practice, without sending the entire library of unnecessary information.
When you have a large volume of work that applies to everyone only a little bit you are not being as effective as if you were to specialize a group of information specific to one thing and help out one specific person or field a lot more.
Custom publishing is done in several ways. One company, The Oxford University Press, used an XML content server to build an online resource for African American Studies. With the new content management system in place, a person searching the system for Oprah Winfrey would find not just files but photos, television clips and other media. An entire virtual encyclopedic library of information can now be accessed by entering in one keyword.
Publishing companies look to repurpose content in order to make it profitable and save time and money in the process. Why re-write the entire about the author section, when you are going to need it and use it later in another product. Being able to pull text and documents from different sources saves a company time. For example, If you are a book maker and you want to sell a new version of a classic novel, you are obviously keeping most of the classic novel in place and only have the foreword re-written, no need to rewrite a whole novel.
A professor, who will be teaching his students the Canterbury Tales next week, could create and bind a custom-built textbook from an online resource, just by paying a small monthly fee to access the materials. The Internet is where people are accessing their information. Information providers are finding that by making their information accessible with a small fee, they are still reaping a profit.Looking into a XML content server could save you time and even make you money in the end.
About the author: Melissa Peterman is a web content specialist for Innuity. For more information aboutXML content , content management , custom publishing and go to Mark Logic. royce jerry

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